Sorry, wordpress eats code. In deze mapstructuur zie je wat ik heb. Het Chomsky font komt van De afbeelfingen heb ik op 1440×900 gecropped, want dat is de size waarop ik werk. De mp4 video heb ik er nog niet in zitten 🙁
SPECULUM – PARADISE – A contemporary interpretation of The Garden of Earthly Delights from SMACK on Vimeo.

PFont f;
int clicks = 0;
String t1;
PImage boschbg;
PImage smackbg;
PImage smackclose;
String[] detekst = new String[10];
void setup() { detekst[0]="The End of the Middle Ages was marked by an extraordinary piece of art."; detekst[1]="Around the year 1500, Jheronimus Bosch created The Garden of Earthly Delights."; detekst[2]="Here you see all that was forbidden. "; detekst[3]="In 2015, 3D artists created a new version of it. See and fear."; detekst[4]="It is a 3D animation with hundreds of characters."; detekst[5]="Each character shows a piece of today's forbidden fruits."; size(1440, 900); f = createFont("Chomsky", 16, true); boschbg = loadImage("boschbg.jpg"); smackbg = loadImage("smackfull.png"); smackclose = loadImage("smackclose.png"); clicks = 0; }
void draw() {
background(91, 134, 106);
textFont(f, 40);
switch(clicks) { case 0: background(boschbg); println("0!"); text(detekst[0], 10, 100); break; case 1: background(boschbg); text(detekst[0], 10, 100); text(detekst[1], 10, 200); break; case 2: background(boschbg); text(detekst[2], 10, 100); break; case 3: background(smackbg); text(detekst[3], 10, 100); break; case 4: background(smackclose); text(detekst[4], 10, 400); text(detekst[5], 10, 600); default: clicks = 0; break; } }
void mousePressed() {
clicks = clicks + 1;
println("mouse pressed " + clicks);

2 van de 3 image files heb je nu.